INDIANAPOLIS, IN– Delta Strike is pleased to announce our new partnership with Codona’s Pleasure Fair, Aberdeen. Codona’s is a multi-attraction Family Entertainment Center and amusement park. This will be the first Delta Strike laser tag system in Scotland.
“After visiting the Lasertag 360 Seminar in Indianapolis coupled with countless site visits throughout the UK and the US, we felt the Delta Strike product was the best fit for our operation. We look forward to working with their team to create the best laser Tag facility possible.” -Alfred Codona
“John and Alfred Codona are the owners of Codona’s Pleasure Fair in Aberdeen, Scotland will be opening a new laser tag attraction to their existing Family Entertainment Center, which has an outdoor amusement park, an indoor amusement complex, indoor and outdoor miniature golf as well as a variety of concession, lounge and dining areas for adults and families alike. Codona’s Pleasure Fair will be the first laser tag arena in Scotland to feature Delta Strike Equipment. The Codona’s are deeply rooted in Aberdeen and very active within their community, being a sponsor in the upcoming Fall and Winter Festivals. We welcome them to the Delta Strike Family!”
-Jeffrey Leslie, International Sales, Delta Strike
Delta Strike is a global leader in laser tag equipment. A company founded on progress and innovation, Delta Strike continues to grow with the expanding attractions and entertainment industry. You can find them and their products at