Our laser tag equipment guide is designed to help you evaluate the best fit for your laser tag equipment. We’ll look at what characteristics will help you to be a high-grossing laser tag center. When you’re thinking about laser tag equipment and how to use laser tag equipment for your business, there are four crucial aspects to consider:
- Reliability
- Aesthetics
- Features
- Operations
A good laser tag system should combine these elements to provide the ability to generate high revenues and give you the best ROI.
1. Reliability and easy maintenance

When thinking about using laser tag equipment as efficiently as possible for customers, you need to consider how reliable and manageable the equipment is. With reliable equipment, you’ll be able to process more customers efficiently during peak hours and provide a consistently excellent game experience that gets you to repeat business.
Our Delta Strike laser tag equipment guide heavily focuses on reliability and easy equipment maintenance. Delta Strike laser tag equipment repairs easily since it has:
- Minimal and easy Plug and Play components (remove malfunctioning components and add a new one immediately)
- Onboard diagnostics
- Video training and staff certification of technicians
- Shock-mounted components so there are no screws to secure the electronics.
2. Aesthetics

Our laser tag guide is all about helping you evaluate the aesthetics of equipment. A laser tag game experience is all about first impressions. The equipment must look as good as it performs. More importantly, it needs to walk a fine line between what parents feel comfortable with a 6-year-old playing and what a 16-year-old enjoys.
Ideally, you’d need a futuristic-looking weapon that doesn’t resemble a gun too closely and laser tag vests that create an immersive game experience. At Delta Strike, we’ve designed a suit of armor perfect for gameplay, from the LED lighting patterns to the rubber ribbing system. Plus, our laser tag equipment has the largest touchscreen on the phaser in the industry, complete with an integrated selfie camera.
3. Features

Features are an integral consideration in our laser tag equipment guide, but features need to be scalable based on the client’s target market. For example, Multi- attraction/Birthday Parties (6 – 14-year-olds)
- You may not need to focus as much on 30 different game formats. In those situations, we recommend going with scaled-back product lines, such as the Delta Strike Family Entertainment Center Package (FEC), since it has a game variety that focuses on throughput during peak hours.
- We focus on creating an interactive arena by integrating props to trigger lighting, sound, and fog effects.
Laser tag anchored center:
- We add interactive touchpoints to keep players engaged and appeal to every demographic.
- We design additional game formats for off-peak hours. These more comprehensive game formats add a video game that expands your market to older players during the off-peak hours.
- The Delta Strike Pro-Level System offers 35 different game options and membership to generate consistent revenue from your more advanced clientele.
4. Operations
Our guide for laser tag equipment also looks at operations and evaluating how easy laser tag equipment is to use for staff and the advanced features of the system. We’ve designed Delta Strike laser tag equipment to be an easy training experience for staff as it includes:

Remote control functionalities Staff can quickly start and stop games, and with the auto team select feature, the system is designed to reduce a few minutes off the total turnaround time each game. Selecting advanced games is easy, and it generates a very high volume of throughput, giving you the best ROI.

Briefing Video: This standardizes the explanation of the game and rules while giving guests a great experience.

Learning management system (LMS) Delta Strike’s LMS includes several operational and technical training videos and exams for your staff to train from. This allows for consistent training through multiple generations of employees and takes training onus off of owners. Any equipment you choose needs to be able to tick all four boxes off.
We’ve designed our laser tag equipment guide to help you get the fastest ROI in the industry by using the advantages Delta Strike laser tag equipment offers. We’re continually thinking about improving the game experience and helping you generate revenue, and our equipment evolves as we do.
Our laser tag equipment guide serves as a valuable resource in helping you evaluate equipment and choosing options that enhance and uplift the customer experience across demographics.